“Show Your Work!” by Austin Kleon

Dom Bagaric
1 min readSep 6, 2023


A guidebook that inspires individuals to share their creative work. Transparency and connection with your audience are key in the creative process.

The key takeaways from the book:

Share Your Process: Kleon believes that sharing your creative process can be more valuable than sharing the finished product. It humanizes your work and allows others to learn from your experiences.

Build an Audience: The book provides strategies for building and engaging with an audience, both online and offline. This includes leveraging social media, blogging, and networking.

Teach What You Know: Kleon suggests that sharing your knowledge and helping others can be a powerful way to grow your own skills and reputation.

Embrace “Scenius”: Kleon introduces the concept of “scenius,” which emphasizes the importance of the creative community and the collective intelligence that emerges from it.

Stay Open and Generous: The book encourages creators to be open to collaboration, feedback, and new ideas. Generosity in sharing your work can lead to unexpected opportunities and connections.

Overall, “Show Your Work!” provides practical advice and inspiration for creatives looking to make their work more visible, meaningful, and connected in the digital age. It’s a guide to becoming a more open, engaged, and influential part of the creative community.

Show your work by Austin Kleon



Dom Bagaric

22+ years in IT/Startup arena. From small, b/w games for those indestructible Nokias back in the day to "big Apps" for .gov/private sector. DomOnStartups.com